Excuse me, a belated 1 year to my hubby who never ceases to amaze me with his patience, selflessness and love (especially through my pregnancy antics). He actually told me the other day that I haven't been so bad lately. Sadly, that made me so happy. OOhhhh marriage!
Rob skipped out on work and made the trip into NYC with me for his first (my third) ultrasound and dinner to celebrate. So our first stop, Dr.'s office.....
Look at that melon!!! Should I be scared?? Baby weighs a whopping 1/2 lb right now and has all his/her parts. We won't be finding out the sex, so enjoy the anticipation!

While I worked, Diva Rob had his morning coffee, wandered around the city and read in Central Park. During his adventures he ran into Ben Stiller!

Lastly, we headed to Greenwich Village for dinner at Laconda Verde (Robert De Niro's restaurant). It was very tasty, especially the chocolate cake at the end. Oh how I looooove chocolate. When we arrived we noticed secret service and paparazzi surrounding the restaurant. We just figured someone was coming or going around that area. Low and behold, our waitress comes over and says, "Now don't freak out, but Michelle Obama, Oprah, Beyonce, Star Jones, Whoopi and some others would be having dinner there as well." We didn't freak out (in front of her). A few celebrities came through the front, but Michelle was snuck in through the back. Rob was determined to get a picture of her, so he ran outside with the crowd and tried, but was not successful. Below is a link to the festivities.